I want to provide a little insight, as to what goes on behind the scenes, when as your agent, I am booking modeling/acting Jobs! As you are probably aware by now, MPI is the largest and most successful model and talent booking agency in the Southwestern United States of America, representing Plus-sizes for PRINT MEDIA, FASHION, RUNWAY, TV AND FILM PROECTS.
WE ARE LICENSED AND BONDED AS AN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, To help you put that into prospective, or to help you better understand, exactly, what it is we do, when we go to work booking modeling/acting jobs for you, think of it like this.
Models Plus International, is just like an employment agency, again we are licensed and bonded as an employment agency, the only difference is when you think employment agency you think of filling temp positions on a clerical staff, at MPI we provide "temp positions" in the Entertainment Industry.
First of all we have 14 years of Marketing and positioning ourselves as leaders in the entertainment industry for providing quality plus people! So we are literally at the fingertips, in any resource guide or internet directory, for any client in the entertainement industry who needs Plus sizes for their projects.
Therefore, our day might start out with a phone call from a client who simpy says, "WE ARE LOOKING FOR 4 OR 5 MODELS, SIZES 12-18, FOR OUR BRIDAL EXPO BEING HELD AT THE MAGIC SHOW IN LAS VEGAS."
That's when the excitement begins, I pull out a form known as a "Booking Assignment Form", this way after all the blanks are filled in, I pretty much know what this client wants and which of my Models/Actors to call, to hopefully fill the position.
I go on to ask the client, the dates, the times, the locations, the job description, and exactly what is expected of the model/talent to make the booking assignment a complete success! I make it goal to become a friends with this client, so they will call MPI the next time they need anything in the entertainment industry. We have serveral clients who come to Phoenix each year, several times a year and call MPI, such as Catherines Department Stores, Torrid, The Avenue, Fashion Bug, just to name a few.
Additionally, If travel is involved, most of the time, I persuade the client to pay the airfare. There have been a couple of times, however, THEY WILL NOT PAY THE AIRFARE BUT THEY AGREE TO PAY DOUBLE THE RATE I WOULD HAVE ASKED! SO THEN, THE AGENCY PAYS FOR THE AIRFARE AND WILL REIMBURSE THEMSELVES OUT OF THE MODELS PAY. ALL OF THIS IS DISCUSSED WITH THE MODEL.
Once the terms are agreed upon, I BEGIN TO CALL MY MODELS (this is why it is imperative to keep your phone number & all information current with your Agent)! and hope I can find a MATCH! IF I CANNOT, I BEGIN TO ADVERTISE, LOOKING FOR THE MODEL WHO CAN FILL THIS POSITION.
More times than not, WE ARE SUCCESSFUL and fill the position, (The client has the final say in choosing the Model/Actor). Once that's done, WE CALL THAT A WIN, WIN SITUATION. THE CLIENT WINS, THE AGENCY WINS AND THE MODEL WINS!
These client phone calls and emails or walk-ins, happen as few as 4 times a day, and as many as 10 times a day, depending on the season. For expample Summer time in Arizona leads to very few calls for outdoor magazine photo shoots,or TV/Film projects for that matter (which is why we encourage you to update your photos and enroll in training workshops during the Summer, so you can be ready for "job bookings" in the upcoming season).
Then, during the Fall and Spring seasons, some Magazines shoot all of their catalog layouts for the rest of the year, in Arizona, because it may be and most likely is, snowing in their city! I sincerely hope this helps you see a different side of the business!
Best Wishes,
Pamela A. Young