Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Big Sis & I make it happen at MPI

Wow, every tiime i think about how blessed i am to have my big sister come work with me, i think, its really amazing what we've been to accomplish at Models Plus International,LLC!!

We were both raised to be "corporate america diva's" ...but in 1996 i had had enough and fortunately for me by 2000, she had enough of corporate america too. We've been successfully working together ever since !

She opens the office every day at 9am (like clockwork) she's such an over achiever, i always tease, you open and i'll close....(i am the night owl)... so i lock up the office when we close by 8pm.... our tipical work hours are.... Mon-Thurs 9a-8p, Friday until 5pm, and Sat. 10a-3p.

Thanks to my Big Sis , I now get all weekends off.... i do come in a few weekends a year depending on whats happening!! the show must go on....smile!

I remember asking our MOM, why is she (my big sis) so happy everyday.... my Mom replied whatever it is baby, its good for the company to see that smile when they first come into the office, and when the get to the back office to see the President and CEO they need to see that smile as well. That was the day there was a big change in my attitude towards serving others!

and today, we pride ourselves in being the largest and most successful Model & Talent agency in the Southwestern United States of America, exclusively representing full-figured women, for print media, fashion runway, commercial television and film, since 1996!

Models Plus International, LLC is listed in the Business Journals "Book of List" as one of the top 50 minority owned businesses in Phoenix Arizona....Thanks Sis for helping me make it happen!!Love always,


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