Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Big Sis & I make it happen at MPI

Wow, every tiime i think about how blessed i am to have my big sister come work with me, i think, its really amazing what we've been to accomplish at Models Plus International,LLC!!

We were both raised to be "corporate america diva's" ...but in 1996 i had had enough and fortunately for me by 2000, she had enough of corporate america too. We've been successfully working together ever since !

She opens the office every day at 9am (like clockwork) she's such an over achiever, i always tease, you open and i'll close....(i am the night owl)... so i lock up the office when we close by 8pm.... our tipical work hours are.... Mon-Thurs 9a-8p, Friday until 5pm, and Sat. 10a-3p.

Thanks to my Big Sis , I now get all weekends off.... i do come in a few weekends a year depending on whats happening!! the show must go on....smile!

I remember asking our MOM, why is she (my big sis) so happy everyday.... my Mom replied whatever it is baby, its good for the company to see that smile when they first come into the office, and when the get to the back office to see the President and CEO they need to see that smile as well. That was the day there was a big change in my attitude towards serving others!

and today, we pride ourselves in being the largest and most successful Model & Talent agency in the Southwestern United States of America, exclusively representing full-figured women, for print media, fashion runway, commercial television and film, since 1996!

Models Plus International, LLC is listed in the Business Journals "Book of List" as one of the top 50 minority owned businesses in Phoenix Arizona....Thanks Sis for helping me make it happen!!Love always,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Talent Scouts

I have built my business from a dream within, i can still remember Feb. 1996 like it was yesterday, my being up at 3 am faxing thoughts back and forth to a graphic design artist to get my logo just right. Soon after i opened the doors of Models Plus International, i found all i could do was to open a training center and begin to teach women how to feel good about themselves. but i couldnt find a market that would hire them.
so i successfully opened The Young Agency, representing size 0-8 women, men, teens, kids, babies and opening our Latin Division.....so now, The Young Agency is successful with 7 employees and several Indp. Contractors who make it very successful everyday as AZ premier model & Talent agency.

Now back to my first Love MODELS PLUS INTERNATIONAL,LLC.....
I AM SEEKING skilled Talent Scouts , women who have experience in the Modeling and entertainment industry to work with me to service these beautiful full figured women....
let me know you are out there!
Yours truly,
Pamela A. Young

Are you ready for change?

I have recently come to the conclusion after successfully dropping 110lbs and still wearing a size 18, that i am ok with discovering heredity dictates, that i am just "a smaller/big woman" on this planet.

After all.... if i drop much more weight, my top half will litterally disappear!

Besides, i like how i look right now, I'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY! That's it, i am just a smaller big woman, and it feels ok to be just that.

Forget the size of the tag on the dress or jeans.... look how great i look. So maybe next year i will drop another 100lbs and become Americas prize possession of the opitimy of a fox! But today, today i am happy, healthy and feel so very good. So i can stay here in the present and not starve anymore. I have just begin to make better food choices, one day at a time and i encourage myself to choose to keep moving! Like walking every morning, which has become my favorite alone time. Time to visit with the birds , nature and My Godself. I love it.

Then twice a week i hired a fitness trainer who loves to see me "do a good set" i am inspired to climbt up 23 flights of stairs yep! twice a week, and this is going to sound weird but i am actually enjoying it. i have no more anxiety about anything, if i do i tend to loose it right obout the 5th floor and somehow i seem to get a renewed burst of energy somewhere around the 10th floor and glory be to god when i get to the top (we call it the mountain top) there have been days i cried and other days i just breathed...smile and now, after approx 4 months i make it all the way down without stopping once. someday, i will say that about going to the top meanwhile i am ok that i just do it!! and i do it for me.... and

Food well, i do love food, i enjoy a good meal and so, for me excercise must become my best friend because i am choosing to allow my other best friend to stay with me.. food that is. and its ok. I am telling you, I am going to eat this lifetime and believe it or not, some days, i eat less and i hear myself saying ...just have some more water to drink, you are just thirsty not hungry or i say go ahead and have what you want all weekend just less than you would ordinarily eat, etc. I have learned to eat many times a day vs. 2 or 3 times. being in touch with my inner self has been a real jewel of a discovery throughout this journey as well!!

so to all plus women, remember being full figured is more than being flabby, we must be willing to re-evaluate the choices we have made for our own lives , make new choices and new changes that will begin to enhance and benefit ourselves. We must take back control and stop being a volunteer victim.

I welcome your feedback to begin to take this journey together, discovering how it is "ok" to be you and to change you for the better, a better life, for better health, for a better acceptance of you, by you.


Start today and tomorrow, you will be glad you did. I PROMISE.


Pamela A. Young