Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Are you ready for change?

I have recently come to the conclusion after successfully dropping 110lbs and still wearing a size 18, that i am ok with discovering heredity dictates, that i am just "a smaller/big woman" on this planet.

After all.... if i drop much more weight, my top half will litterally disappear!

Besides, i like how i look right now, I'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY! That's it, i am just a smaller big woman, and it feels ok to be just that.

Forget the size of the tag on the dress or jeans.... look how great i look. So maybe next year i will drop another 100lbs and become Americas prize possession of the opitimy of a fox! But today, today i am happy, healthy and feel so very good. So i can stay here in the present and not starve anymore. I have just begin to make better food choices, one day at a time and i encourage myself to choose to keep moving! Like walking every morning, which has become my favorite alone time. Time to visit with the birds , nature and My Godself. I love it.

Then twice a week i hired a fitness trainer who loves to see me "do a good set" i am inspired to climbt up 23 flights of stairs yep! twice a week, and this is going to sound weird but i am actually enjoying it. i have no more anxiety about anything, if i do i tend to loose it right obout the 5th floor and somehow i seem to get a renewed burst of energy somewhere around the 10th floor and glory be to god when i get to the top (we call it the mountain top) there have been days i cried and other days i just breathed...smile and now, after approx 4 months i make it all the way down without stopping once. someday, i will say that about going to the top meanwhile i am ok that i just do it!! and i do it for me.... and

Food well, i do love food, i enjoy a good meal and so, for me excercise must become my best friend because i am choosing to allow my other best friend to stay with me.. food that is. and its ok. I am telling you, I am going to eat this lifetime and believe it or not, some days, i eat less and i hear myself saying ...just have some more water to drink, you are just thirsty not hungry or i say go ahead and have what you want all weekend just less than you would ordinarily eat, etc. I have learned to eat many times a day vs. 2 or 3 times. being in touch with my inner self has been a real jewel of a discovery throughout this journey as well!!

so to all plus women, remember being full figured is more than being flabby, we must be willing to re-evaluate the choices we have made for our own lives , make new choices and new changes that will begin to enhance and benefit ourselves. We must take back control and stop being a volunteer victim.

I welcome your feedback to begin to take this journey together, discovering how it is "ok" to be you and to change you for the better, a better life, for better health, for a better acceptance of you, by you.


Start today and tomorrow, you will be glad you did. I PROMISE.


Pamela A. Young

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